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GCH Mez Kutya CGC

Not long ago I was longing for a dog again and really wanted a Vizsla. I located a breeder not far from me and my experience with Vizslas was re-instated. I saw Kutya the day she was born and almost every day after that until I was able to bring her home.  Since then we’ve hardly ever been parted for long. Kutya (KOOT-chya) is the Hungarian word for "dog" in the Magyar language.


When Kutya was not yet two I took her to a MATCH dog show. It was her first experience at a show and mine too. She won first place and best of breed.  She also got her CGC (Canine Good Citizenship) awarded to her that day from AKC. A judge/trainer there was very taken with her. She encouraged me to show her. She felt that Kutya had excellent confirmation. So that is how her showing began. In her first dog show she didn’t win but the very next day she won First Place and Best of Opposite Sex thereby acquiring her first point towards championship. Her next show was in Connecticut where she took second place. She followed this by taking Best of Winners the very next day. She continues to be shown and continues to do exceedingly well.In July in Vermont there were four shows and she won "Winners Bitch" and "Best of Opposite Sex" in three of these shows!


As soon as she receives her championship in confirmation I intend to show her in agility which she loves. I expect to breed her to a champion in late 2016, early 2017. See the Puppies page for details.


Kutya in Pictures

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Judy Erikson



188 Bay Shore Drive Plymouth, MA  02360

705 Royal Street

Alton, IL  62002

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